Saturday, September 18, 2010

God And Environmentalism

I've seen religion used to support commercial interests too many times. In particular, statements like the following are offered:

God gave us the planet and it's resources for our use.

Sure, certainly, but this does not mean that God will not care what we do with it.

How are we to be judged if not by our actions? Only by giving us the freedom to do wrong can we make the choice to act appropriately. The planet may have been given to us without limitation but what we do with it will certainly reflect our care and respect for this gift.

When you twist religion to support your commercial beliefs, for things you personally prefer, you put your very soul at risk.

This does not imply that we can't have commerce, shouldn't mine, or otherwise can't support our own needs. However, there are differences between need and greed. We can take steps to reduce negative impacts as we conduct commerce or otherwise use the resources our planet provides.

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